Der IslamDer Höhepunkt der religiösen Entwicklung
Prophet Muhammad sawDas Siegel der Propheten
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)Der Verheißene Messias und Imam Mahdi

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Aktuelle Bilder

  • Islamausstellung in Griesheim


  • Tag der Offenen Tür in Bad Marienberg


  • Tag der Offenen Tür in Alzey


  • Tag der Offenen Tür in der Fazle-Omar-Moschee Hamburg


  • Tag der Offenen Tür in Alzey


  • Tag der Offenen Tür in Hamburg in der Bait-ur-Rasheed Hamburg


  • Tag der offenen Moschee in Bensheim


  • Infostand in Münster


  • Besuch bei SPD-Landtagsabgeordnetem Florian Wahl im Landkreis Böblingen


  • Besuch von Jens Spahn und Bürgermeisterin Karola Voß im Gebetszentrum Gronau


Mizra Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah

In 1835, Mirza Ghulam Ahmadaswas born in the unknown village of Qadian, India. In 1889, he founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. By the end of his life he had hundreds of thousands of followers. Today, his peaceful community numbers in the many millions, and grows at a remarkable rate each year. Its adherents hail from every faith, nation, and walk of life. Among his followers are Nobel Prize winners, United Nations Director-Generals, and celebrated authors, artists, and leaders of nations. They all claimed that by following Ahmad they achieved something no longer seen in the contemporary world — a genuine, two-way connection with our Creator; spiritual enlightenment in our age of darkness.


  • Bücher

    Der Heilige Koran

  • Bücher

    Kohol für die Augen der Arya

  • Bücher

    Eine leuchtende Sonne

  • Bücher

    Das Schicksal Athims

  • Bücher

    Das Allheilmittel für die Herzen

Aktuelle Beiträge

  • Pressemitteilungen

    Deutschlands älteste muslimische Gemeinschaft verurteilt Aufrufe zum politischen Kalifat


  • Pressemitteilungen

    „Frauen für Frieden“ – Gemeinsam am Weltfrauentag –


  • Pressemitteilungen

    Muslime verurteilen die falschen Aussagen des Münchner Kardinals Marx aufs Schärfste!


  • Pressemitteilungen

    Info-Kampagne „Ich bin eine Muslima – Haben Sie Fragen?“ im November in Frankfurt


  • Pressemitteilungen

    Nahostkrise: Politik und Medien tragen besondere Verantwortung für den Frieden; Islamophobie und Antisemitismus entschieden bekämpfen


  • Pressemitteilungen

    Pressemitteilung zur aktuellen Nahostkrise


  • Pressemitteilungen

    Erklärung der Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat zur jüngsten Eskalation im israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt


  • Pressemitteilungen

    Über 100 Moscheen und Gebetszentren laden zum Tag der offenen Moschee ein


Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba)

In 1835, Mirza Ghulam Ahmadaswas born in the unknown village of Qadian, India. In 1889, he founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. By the end of his life he had hundreds of thousands of followers. Today, his peaceful community numbers in the many millions, and grows at a remarkable rate each year. Its adherents hail from every faith, nation, and walk of life. Among his followers are Nobel Prize winners, United Nations Director-Generals, and celebrated authors, artists, and leaders of nations. They all claimed that by following Ahmad they achieved something no longer seen in the contemporary world — a genuine, two-way connection with our Creator; spiritual enlightenment in our age of darkness.

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